
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

Unless noted otherwise, correspondence about the study is carried out on the profile in which the article was uploaded to Dergipark. Before the article is uploaded, all proof reading and editing must be carefully checked and submitted to the journal completely through the Dergipark Onliner System. 


Authors must be aware that if they do not complete the requested changes for their work within 15 days at the pre-check stage and upload them to the system, the work will be refused before proceeding to the reviweing and editing phase. 


No information about the authors such as name, title, institution, e-mail address, orcid, can be given in the paper.  There is no need to give details in the papers of project number, supporting institution and project name; the contribution of the authors and the acknowledgments of supporting persons/instituttions must be ommitted at the frist stage of blind review. Any declaration of conflict of interest, names of people or institutions for thanking should not be included in the “Full Text” file in which the article is written. Only ethics committee name, decision number and date information should be included in the introduction of the method. This information should be included in the file titled “Title Page.” Upload “Article Information” Word document to the DergiPark system as an additional file by clicking the “Upload an attachment” button.


• The language of the journal is Turkish and English. 

• The title of the article should be appropriate and represetnative to the content of the paper. The study must be submitted in MS Word format.

• For the articles, Turkish - English / English-Turkish title, abstract, keywords, extended abstract (must be between 750-1000 words in English). The main text must include an introduction, method, findings, discussion and conclusion, references, and appendices. Studies can not exceed 8,000 words including abstract and bibliography.

• On the first page, the title must be in the center and written in capital letters and 14 pt. Calibri. Under the main title, the title in another language (Turkish / English) must be written in Calibri with 12 pt. 

• The type of article must be written in Calibri with 9 pt, leaving a footnote in the title. 

• Keywords must be written in Calibri with 9 pt., capitalized first letters and 1.25 cm indented, in italics under the abstract of 150-250 words. Minimum of three and a maximum of five keywords are required. The purpose, method, and result must be briefly covered in the abstract. 

• If the expanded English abstract consists of more than one paragraph, the first paragraph can not have a line input. The first line entry of the next paragraphs should start at 1.25 cm inside. 

• There is no need for an extended English Abstract for studies prepared in English. An abstract between 150-250 words, written in two languages in English and Turkish, must be added to the article. 

• After the title, abstract and keywords are all written, the article must start with "Introduction." INTRODUCTION title must be written in bold. All parts of the text, except graphics and tables, must be aligned and written in 10 pt. and 1 cm spacing from the paragraph indent. 

• The text must be written in A4 format, paragraph field should be 0 pt, 1.1 line spacing, and 10 pt. Calibri. If necessary, footnotes can be written in 9 points. One line space must be left after each paragraph. The page layout must be aligned at 3.5 cm from the top and bottom and 2.5 cm from the left and right. 

• Direct quotations must be given in quotation marks; Quotations shorter than five lines must be placed in the text, long quotations must be placed in blocks, with 1 line spacing and indented left and right in the text. 

• The section title and subtitle should be left-aligned. Chapter headings 1, 2, 3, etc., must be numbered such. Formulas and equations must be numbered from the beginning of the work and numbering must be right-aligned in parentheses. Tables, charts, and figures must be numbered from beginning to end (Table 1, Chart 1, etc.) After the colon, the first letter must be capital as well as the text must be bold. Titles of tables, graphs, and figures should be at the top and in the middle. If tables, graphs, or figures are quoted, the source should be specified in 9 points at the bottom right. Tables can not be colored. Footnotes and references must comply with the rules written on the journal's website. 

• There is no space between the title and the first paragraph. The first paragraph after the title must not be "first-line entry." In the next paragraphs, the first-line input must be set at 1.25 cm. 

• Page numbering is not allowed.

 • References and quotations must be appropriate for APA 7th Edition.

• In-text citation must be stated as follows: (Aktaş, 2017, p.50), (Biolcati & Passini, 2018, p.34), (Bolter, MacIntyre, Gandy, & Schweitzer, 2006, p.34). The bibliography should start on a new page. 

  • The word "BİBLİOGRAPHY" must be written in bold and capital letters. The line spacing in the sources should be set as 0 pt. first, then 8 pt. Sources that are not cited in the text can not be given in the bibliography. Any information about the cited studies can not be missing. Appendices related to the study (if any) must start on a new page after the bibliography. 


  • The Plagiarism Report must be uploaded to the system at the application stage while sending the article to the journal. For the beginning of the evaluation process, the similarity rate can be at most 20% in the plagiarism report received by iThenticate, Turnitin, or another program. When necessary, the journal board can check the article for plagiarism. Studies that do not meet the relevant criteria can be "returned to the author for correction" or "returned to the author." Works returned for correction must be uploaded in the system within 15 days after removing the plagiarism.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Copyright Notice

All manuscripts which are submitted to the Intermedia International e-Journal should not be published, accepted and submitted for publication elsewhere.

Studies submitted to our Journal for publication must have the quality of original work that has not been published in any way before or sent to be published elsewhere. When submitting their work, individuals are obliged to declare that the work has not been published on any other platform before, in whole or in part, and that they have not evaluated for publication. In case of a contrary situation, the author will be held responsible by the relevant sanctions.

Authors agree to waive the copyright of their work and must transfer the copyright of their work to the INSTITUTION together with the submission for evaluation. The transfer becomes binding upon the acceptance of the article for publication. No part of the printed material can be used elsewhere without the written permission of the publisher.

The publication processes of the journal are kept in consideration fo the guidelines provied in the International Board of Medical Journals (ICMJE), the World Medical Editors Association (WAME), the Council of Science Editors (CSE), the Publication Ethics Board (COPE), the European Association of Science Editors (EASE) and the National Information Standards organization (NISO). 

 The authors have all rights including patents, copyrights, the right to reproduce the work for their purposes provided that they will cite the sources as per citations guidelines. The right to use all or part of the work in the author's books as per the policies of open access journsls.  The authors can upload the word on their personal websites provided that the work credential is specified, or the university will also keep all the published work as an open source and open access,wihtout any copy rights right in its open archive.

When using previously published content, including ancillary images, tables, or any other content in print or electronic format, authors must obtain permission if so required form the original source and give citation of the work appropriatey The legal, financial and criminal responsibility in this matter belongs to the authors.

Authors who will submit work to our journal must fill in the "Copyright and Author Agreement Form" document. The author (s) must sign the filled form with a wet signature. The signed form must be scanned and sent to the Journal at the first application by e-mail.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.